Water is the greatest treasure of our planet. It is what we cannot live without, the cradle of all known forms of life. we are water It surrounds us, unites us and separates us. Through the energy of the Sun, our star, water flows in the three states in a cycle, transforming between our environment and living beings. The same cycle that allows the garden to live, flourish and host a space where art and knowledge dialogue to enhance its heritage. This year, in 2024, Aigua reflects on the relationship between water and art. Dance, documentaries, performances, dialogues, painting and workshops will accompany us in a new cycle of activities where the exchange between culture and water will blossom our soul.

Cycle aigua, water, eau

Será paisaje

Thursday June 6 — 20 h

Natalia Jiménez & Arnau Millà

Dance show + participatory workshop

Será paisaje is a dance piece that explores basic needs and the flow of life in primitive communities. From an anthropological perspective, Natalia Jiménez embodies the transition from one generation to the next, to support and shelter, through the union of the pitcher as a handcrafted scenic element and the rhythmic and wild music of Jon Gibson.

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Cossos d'aigua

Thursday June 13 — 20 h

Anna Katalin

Dance workshop

Cossos d’aigua born from the artistic exploration of permaculture, a philosophy of sustainable living, focusing on the conscious and sustainable use of our water resources. With the aim of promoting change on an individual scale, it unites dance and community with a reading of the landscape that surrounds us through a physical and personal experience.

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«A beira d’agua, de otro lado de mi»

Thursday June 20 — 20 h

Dasha Lavrennikov & Rafael Rocha

Dance show

«A beira d’agua, de otro lado de mi» it is a dialogue between dance, experimental music and textile arts. It arises from the fascination for the infinite manifestations of water in colors, sounds, landscapes and human bodies. The body questions and narrates what it is like to belong to this sensory world, the experiences of feeling and existing intensely.

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Aquaverso: lo que fluye | lo que arde

Friday June 21 — 20 h

Patxi Valera & Estíbaliz Espinosa


Aquaverso: lo que fluye | lo que arde it is the union between music, poetry and nature in an enormous range of organic soundscapes. An innovative electronic instrument activated by liquid percussion is the central element. The falling of the drops and a creative voice recreate unique, ephemeral and unrepeatable sounds. A poetic immersion with water as the basis of life.

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And it rained for thousands of years

Thursday June 27 — 20 h

De Manon Duquesnay amb Dasha Lavrennikov, Roberta Ruggerio and Rafael Roch

Dance show

And it rained for thousands of years invites to be present in a specific place to remember, feel and invoke bodies of water. The two performers illuminate the space with the memory of pregnant women and explore bodies of water, rivers and streams through cultural, geological and personal layers.

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Papers d'aigua

Thursday July 4 — 20 h

Jaume Amigó & Go Sans

Performative painting

Papers d’aigua combines the art of the word with the art of the brush. Water is the backbone of the show, which will be recited through poetry and will become the essential element to paint ephemeral shapes and traces on a large Japanese paper. The water in our environment that travels in the form of seas, rivers or torrents will be framed by the public in a single paper.

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On, com, aigua?

Saturday July 6 — 12 h

La Toli Clown

Clown show

On, com, aigua? brings children and their families closer to the importance of water and our use in daily life in a relaxed and fun way. Toli wakes up and everything seems to be going as it should, but suddenly… she runs out of water. Water is life, life is water, water is routine, it is comfort. The days pass, the tap runs. What happens if we run out of water?

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Memorias de un mar

Friday July 12 — 20 h

Laura Carrau, Rafa Marcé i Anna Pont

Documentary + Dialogue + Concert

Memorias de un mar is a documentary made by Laura Carrau about the scientific campaign in the Aral Sea, Kazakhstan, led by Rafa Marcé of the CEAB-CSIC with Núria Catalán, Quique Moreno and Sofía Rodríguez. It is the memory of a family of three generations of women who have suffered the desertification of what was the fourth largest lake on the planet as a result of poor environmental management.

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El eco de las luciérnagas

Thursday July 18 — 20 h

Vera Livia García & Martín Virgili


El eco de las luciérnagas is a performance that brings together dance, sound, text and music to reflect on the forms of coexistence on a planet traversed by ecological devastation. Inspired by the community of fireflies, which interweave relationships by emitting signals in the form of resistance, it conveys human fragility dancing rhythmically and intermittently in the heart of the night. How can we hear its echo?

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Thursday July 25 — 20 h

Cecilia Colacrai, Milagros García & Sergí Cerdán

Dance show

RUGE explores the analogy between the surface of the earth, today ravaged by drought, and the skin of an adult woman, which suffers the consequences of the passage of time and dryness. RUGE travels through moving images and contradictory energies with the intention of provoking a reflective look at our actions. Earth and body reveal themselves and roar. His rebellion is the same, it is now, it is intuitive and wild, it is sound and it is movement.

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Free entry without prior reservation until capacity is reached.